Welcome to the Health Center!
Our Health Center staff provides a caring and attentive atmosphere and maintains close communication with families to ensure optimal care. We get to know all the cadets and respond individually to their needs.
The Health Center’s four-bed infirmary is open daily. Cadets who are sick or who feel ill can report to the Health Center for assessment and treatment as needed. Other key functions of the Health Center include:
- Administering Medications
- Health and Wellness Education
- Assessing and Treating Minor Injuries/Illnesses
- Coordinating Referrals and Scheduling Appointments with Outside Physicians
Health Center Protocols
Medication Refills
Please make sure all MD appointments for refills of Rx’s medications are obtained while your son is home during weekends/breaks. Reminders for refills will not be sent by the Health Center. This will guarantee there is no lapse in medication administration for your son.
Departing From Campus or Returning to Campus
- Sick Cadets (contagious, fever or extended vomiting/diarrhea) are required to be picked up by a parent/guardian if they live within a 3-hour driving distance from the school campus.
- Public transportation is not allowed.
Returning to Campus:
- Sick Cadets who have a fever (over 99.5 F) or have had a fever prior to returning, cannot return to campus until they are fever free without the use of fever reducing medications (Ibuprofen, Tylenol) for 24 hours.
- MLOA (medical leave of absence) greater than 72 hours require a physicians signed “return to school” clearance date.
- If your son is returning to campus with controlled substances (ADHD/Narcotic Pain medication), we will need written notice along with a pill count sent to the HC via letter or email.
- If your son returns to campus with medications (whether prescription or over the counter), they will need a filled out and signed (by MD) Medication Authorization Form to match and they will be required to check all pills in to the Health Center staff immediately upon their arrival to campus.
- Please contact the Health Center if you have any further questions.
Immunization Requirements
California law (SB 277) requires children to be immunized. Children are exempt from immunization requirements only if a parent or guardian submits a written statement from a licensed physician (M.D. or D.O.) which states:
- That the physical condition or medical circumstances of the child are such that the required immunization(s) is not indicated
- Which vaccines are being exempted
- Whether the medical exemption is permanent or temporary
- The expiration date, if the exemption is temporary
Pertussis (whopping cough) immunization requirements for students:
- All students entering grades 7-12 will need proof of a Tdap shot before starting school.
Visit Healthcare Provider Schedules
- Applies to all schools – public and private.It’s the law – students will not be admitted without this requirement.
- All Supplements and prescriptions must be accompanied by a Medication Authorization Form completed and signed by a U. S. Physician.
- Academy students are not allowed to transport Rx controlled medications (ADHD, narcotic pain medications) to or from campus without written consent from a parent or an adult presence.
- Prescription medication, herbal supplements, and over the counter medications are not allowed in the Cadets’ rooms. If found, they will be confiscated and destroyed upon confiscation. This is enforced to protect the Cadets from a possible allergic reaction.
Please note that we do not accept any medications manufactured outside of the United States
Emergencies: Severe illnesses or injuries are referred to local hospital emergency departments or urgent-care centers. If needed, the 911 EMS systems will be activated for any emergency and the Cadet will be transported to the facility for diagnosis and treatment. Parents are notified of the injury or illness as soon as possible.
After Hours: In the event that a Cadet becomes ill or injured after hours, the Operations Office has a small supply of routine and emergency medications available for use. A registered nurse (R.N.) is on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
ANA Families can pay online for medical expenses, including co-pays and prescriptions.