Bill MacNamara

BillMacNamaraBILL MacNAMARA studied Economics and Political Science at The University of Minnesota Duluth and Montana State University. He has been a serial entrepreneur throughout his career with stints at 2 large publicly held companies CSG Systems, International and Qwest Communications. Currently he is Managing Partner of Wisper Ventures, LLC and Wisper Ventures Leasing both of which he Founded, these firms provide funding to Broadband Providers, Private Cable Operators, and other Telecommunications providers in North America. Bill is involved in all aspects of the business from funding-raising to client relations and credit approvals. Bill was an involved working member of the Denver Chamber of Commerce Presidents Club and was a Jr. Warden and Treasurer at Epiphany Episcopal Church in Denver. His son is a 2015 graduate of ANA and Bill is looking to give back to the school that created a wonderful platform for his son to succeed in his life’s journeys. He currently resides in Phoenix, Arizona.